On 1/7/05 2:36 PM, "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6-Jan-05, at 8:59 PM, Jim Griffith wrote:
>>  This is the most basic of questions. I have little if any experience
>> with Unix (I barely recall command line DOS) but I am a quick learner.
>> I have successfully  (I believe) installed Lilypond on my Mac G5
>> running X11. The installation was via Fink. I followed the
>> instructions to the letter.
> Please upgrade to 2.4.2 -- IIRC you need to use lilypond-unstable as the
> package name instead of lilypond (but don't worry; it's quite stable.
> :)
> Cheers,
> - Graham

    I just checked and the lilypond version that comes up on my installation
of Fink on Mac OS X is 2.4.2. Lilypond-unstable will get you version
2.5.0-1. To get the new package version, Jim should issue the command "fink
self-update". This will update the fink software if there is a newer version
and update all of the package descriptions. Then issue "fink list" to verify
that the newer version will be installed. Finally issue "fink install
lilypond" to update the lilypond installation to the newer version.
    Jim, just as a word of advice I have found that it is better to use one
of the templates found in the documentation rather than typing in the file
from scratch. Good luck.

Walter Hofmeister

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