Am 02.04.2018 um 14:32 schrieb
Hi all,

what would be the most efficient way of typesetting lyrics that are split for a few words, ideally together with some sort of brackets similar to what can be seen in

Might not be the most efficient way, but how about this?

\version "2.19.81"
\language "deutsch"

\relative {
  \clef alto
  \key es \major
  \time 2/4
  d'8. d16 es8 f
  g f16( es)b'8 c16( as)
  f4 r
\addlyrics {
  op -- ti -- me! in -- dul -- ge gra -- ti -- am,
\addlyrics {
  ge -- ne -- ris
  \override LyricText.Y-offset = 1
  \markup { \raise #-0.5 \left-brace #25 hanc }
  Spon -- \markup { ſam \raise #-0.5 \right-brace #25 }
  \revert LyricText.Y-offset
  re -- cre -- a,
\addlyrics {
  _ _ _
  \override LyricText.Y-offset = 1
  Spon -- ſas
  \revert LyricText.Y-offset

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