Hello Harm, 

Great, as usual!



> Le 2 avr. 2018 à 16:48, Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi,
> 2018-04-02 6:32 GMT+02:00 brob2684 <bennrobert...@hotmail.com>:
>> Hi Harm,
>> I hadn't really thought about no key signature as being an issue, but I can
>> certainly see how it can cause confusion.
>> I think you are correct in suggesting "no key signature present" would be
>> the appropriate output, although I'll admit I'm unlikely to ever come across
>> such a case in my use of lilypond.
> Well, even your first musical example has no (initial) KeySignature ;)
>>>> melody = \relative c'' {
>>>>  \time 4/4
>>>>  c1 \key d \major d \key e \major e \key f \major f
>>>> }
> For the arbitrary reuse of a variable, this variable needs to be
> defined at toplevel.
> It's possible to update such a toplevel-variable by using an engraver,
> though if you clear that variable in the engraver the value(s)/entries
> are only available _in_ the score where the engraver works.
> For multiple scores in the same file this means: if you don't clear it
> then the values will accumulate (or override themselves).
> Additionally the engraver updates it too late to have direct access to
> the new values for other toplevel-markups.
> So I decided to let the key-sig-names accumulate in a toplevel-list,
> numbering them. Also, I wrote a markup-command where you need to
> select the correct entry by using a number. A markup-command is
> processed late enough.
> Code attached, note the comments.
> HTH,
>  Harm
> <atest-75.png><atest-75.ly>_______________________________________________
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