Hi David,

it seems you have to add a manual barline at \cadenzaOff, but otherwise I don’t see any problem with

\version "2.19.80"

    \time 6/8
    \repeat unfold 14 { 4 }
    \bar "|"

How about that?

Best, Simon

On 13.04.2018 23:40, David Sumbler wrote:
The piece I am setting has a flute cadenza which is notated in standard
size notes totalling 14 crotchets (quarter-notes) in length.  The whole
cadenza is written between 2 successive barlines.

The prevailing time signature at this point is 6/8, and in the cadenza
all of the other instruments have a tied dotted minim with a fermata.

I have been trying to reproduce this layout in LilyPond, using
v.2.19.81.  I tried \cadenzaOn etc., but that did not seem suitable.  I
then tried to adapt the snippet found at
http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=836 .  Using this, the cadenza bar
itself works OK, but in subsequent bars Lilypond seems to think that
the time signature is 4/4.

I conclude that the line '\unset Timing.measureLength' restores
measureLength to its default value, rather than restoring the previous
value.  I tried removing that line and adding '\once ' before
'\set Timing.measureLength', but this fails completely.

I have now replaced the line
\unset Timing.measureLength
\set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 3/4)

This works fine, but how would I get a more general solution which
could be used in cases which are not in 6/8 or 3/4?


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