Am 17.04.2018 um 21:13 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
it looks like you simply want to stack the text as markup above a measure-long 
rest (with fermatas in all parts, I would assume?).
Oh, my bad wording. I mean not above the lines but inside.

That's definitely a simple situation, easy to accomplish in Lilypond. Maybe try 
something like
Combining your snippet with snippet #780 from the Lilypond snippet repository I was able to create a minimum example. This shows how the text should overlap the staff. The choosen staff idicates what player is the narrator at the given measure.

But there are some open points.

- The harp requires two staff lines. I managed to remove the outside-staff-priority for one staff. But the other staff line is pushed away. How can I use both staves of one harp for the text? How could I place the text covering all staves of the score and avoid Lilyponds anti-collision routines that moves the staff lines away?

- The readability of the text could be improved by changing to color of the lines in the narrative measure to gray, light gray, or probably white. LSR #700 shows a way to color staff lines. But is there a simpler way when I need a common color for all lines?

Best regards

\version "2.19.80"

\header {
  title = "Max and Moritz"

narrative = {
  \once\override TextScript.extra-spacing-width = #'(0 . 0)
  \once\override TextScript.Y-offset = #-.5
  \once\override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = ##f
  \once\override TextScript.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
  \once\override Stem.transparent = ##t
  \once\override NoteHead.transparent = ##t
  \once\override = ##t

scoreAUpperHarpI = \relative c'' {
  c4 4 4 4
  \narrative s1^\markup 
    \override #'(line-width . 40)
    \wordwrap { Of two youths, named Max and Moritz, Who, instead of early turning Their young minds to useful learning, Often leered with horrid features At their lessons and their teachers. }

scoreALowerHarpI = \relative c' { s1 s s s s }

scoreAUpperHarpII = \relative c'' {
        \override #'(line-width . 20) 
        \wordwrap   { Ah, how oft we read or hear of  Boys we almost stand in fear of!  For example, take these stories  
   e4 4 4 4

scoreALowerHarpII = \relative c' { s1 s s s s }

scoreAUpperHarpIII = \relative c'' { s s | d4 4 4 4 | s1 s }

scoreALowerHarpIII = \relative c' { s1 s s s s }

scoreAHarpIPart = \new PianoStaff \with {
  instrumentName = "Harfe I"
} <<
  \new Staff = "upper" \scoreAUpperHarpI
  \new Staff = "lower" { \clef bass \scoreALowerHarpI }

scoreAHarpIIPart = \new PianoStaff \with {
  instrumentName = "Harfe II"
} <<
  \new Staff = "upper" \scoreAUpperHarpII
  \new Staff = "lower" { \clef bass \scoreALowerHarpII }

scoreAHarpIIIPart = \new PianoStaff \with {
  instrumentName = "Harfe III"
} <<
  \new Staff = "upper" \scoreAUpperHarpIII
  \new Staff = "lower" { \clef bass \scoreALowerHarpIII }

\score {
  \layout { }
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