
Say I’m considering chords with an E flat root.

Is is always true that:

        - the diminished fifth is B double flat
        - the augmented fifth is B natural

        - the diminished unisson is E double flat
        - the augmented unisson is E natural

or can this depend on the tonality of the music that contains these Eb based 
chords, say D major, in which case enharmonic notes should be used instead?

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. If your question is (regardless of Lilypond) whether interval names are "key-independent" then: yes, they are. (There are contexts in historic music, mainly thorough-bass, where the figure 5 means "a fifth of whatever size it happens to be in the current tonality". But there, the point is that "5" means "fifth", not "perfect fifth".)

If your question focuses on which note should be _notated_: well, that's a different story (and a matter for the composer to decide, not the engraver). It depends heavily on style and origin of the music, the instrument etc. For instance, it's quite common to use "wrong" enharmonic spellings for transposing woodwinds to get easier notation.


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