Hello folks,

The MusicXML example below causes musicxml2ly 2.19.80 to create the following 
code, which is not acceptable to LilyPond:

Starting lilypond 2.19.80 [ExtendStartAndStop.ly]...
 <applewebdata://2F8A1DC3-A68D-4745-BA6A-FC3756530A04/0>: error: syntax error, 
unexpected __
"テ " __\skip1
__ " " "ニ " ____
 <applewebdata://2F8A1DC3-A68D-4745-BA6A-FC3756530A04/1>: error: errors found, 
ignoring music expression
fatal error: failed files: 
Exited with return code 1.


\version "2.19.80"
% automatically converted by musicxml2ly from ExtendStartAndStop.xml

\header {
    subtitle =  "Echigo-Jishi"
    copyright = 
    "Transcription donated to the public domain, 2005 by Tom Potter"
    encodingdate =  "2007-06-19"
    title =  "越後獅子"
    poet =  \markup \column {
        \line { "Source: \Japanese Popular Music: a collection of the popular 
music of Japan rendered in to the "}
        \line { "staff notation\, by Y. Nagai and K. Kobatake, 2nd ed., Osaka, 
S. Miki & Co., 1892, pp. 96-97."}
        \line { ""}
        \line { "Transcribed into Finale music notation by Tom Potter, 2005.  
See http://www.daisyfield.com/music/"}
        \line { "Lyrics added by Karen Tanaka and Michael Good, 2006. See 
    arranger =  "Y. Nagai"
    composer =  "Arr. Y. Nagai , K. Kobatake"
    encodingsoftware =  "Finale 2005 for Windows"

#(set-global-staff-size 20.6625714286)
\paper {
    paper-width = 21.59\cm
    paper-height = 27.93\cm
    top-margin = 0.18\cm
    bottom-margin = 1.27\cm
    left-margin = 1.9\cm
    right-margin = 1.27\cm
    between-system-space = 1.68\cm
    page-top-space = 1.68\cm
\layout {
    \context { \Score
        autoBeaming = ##f
PartPOneVoiceOne =  \relative b' {
    \clef "treble" \key c \major \time 2/4 | % 1
    \stemDown b4 ^\markup{ \bold {Allegro} } \stemDown c8 [ \stemDown e8
    ] | % 2
    \stemDown fis8 \stemDown fis4 \stemDown e8 }

PartPOneVoiceOneLyricsOne =  \lyricmode {\set ignoreMelismata = ##t
    "テ " __\skip1 __ " " "ニ " ____

% The score definition
\score {
        \new Staff
            \context Staff << 
                \context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceOne" {  \PartPOneVoiceOne }
                \new Lyrics \lyricsto "PartPOneVoiceOne" { \set stanza = "1." 
\PartPOneVoiceOneLyricsOne }
    \layout {}
    % To create MIDI output, uncomment the following line:
    %  \midi {\tempo 4 = 92 }


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 2.0 Partwise//EN"
<score-partwise version="2.0">
    <lyric-font font-family="MS ゴシック" font-size="10.25" name="verse"/>
    <lyric-language name="verse" xml:lang="ja"/>  
    <score-part id="P1">
      <part-name print-object="no">MusicXML Part</part-name>
      <score-instrument id="P1-I2">
      <midi-instrument id="P1-I2">
  <part id="P1">
    <measure number="1" width="224">
      <direction placement="above" directive="yes">
          <words default-y="23" font-size="12" 
        <sound tempo="92"/>
      <sound dynamics="98"/>
      <note default-x="11">
        <stem default-y="-55">down</stem>
        <lyric default-y="-80" number="1">
          <extend type="start"/>
      <note default-x="58">
        <stem default-y="-45">down</stem>
        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
      <note default-x="87">
        <stem default-y="-40">down</stem>
        <beam number="1">end</beam>
        <lyric number="1">
          <extend type="stop"/>

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