>  Hi Steve,
> Does this sketch help you out?

         Thanks, I am aware of that solution... and there are a couple of

         I am trying to render this second appearance of this after the
trio. Here is a
a page. The part I am interested in has the downbeat a C flat  half note
and the
upbeat is in the repeat section.. Also the second alternative has 3 beats
and continues
into the coda.


        Not sure why it is different than its first appearance? I prefer
the later as it moves the entire phrase into the repeat

> Andrew
> ====
> \version "2.19.81"
> {
>   \time 3/4
>   \key es \major
>   \partial 4  bes8. ees'16 |
>   ees'2 g'8. es'16 |
>   \repeat volta 2
>   {
>     es'4 d'4. es'8 |
>     R1*3/4^\markup "etc"
>   }
>   \alternative
>   {
>     {
>       g'4 f'8 bes'8\rest bes8. es'16 |
>       es'2 g'8. es'16 |
>     }
>     {
>       g'4 f'8 bes'8\rest
>       \bar "||"
>       bes'8. ces''16
>     }
>   }
>   \repeat volta 2
>   {
>     ces''2 bes'8 a'\trill |
>     R1*3/4^\markup "etc"
>   }
>   \alternative
>   {
>     {
>       f''4 es''8 bes'8\rest bes'8. ces''16 |
>     }
>     {
>       f''4 es''8 bes'8\rest
>     }
>   }
>   \bar "|."
> }
> ====
> By the way, the list is lilypond-user not lilypond-users. Some of your
> email has the latter, which is incorrect.
> On 17 May 2018 at 22:52, <st...@linuxsuite.org> wrote:
>>            Ooops..  Opus 31 no 3, "Menuetto"
> Click here to Reply or Forward
> On 17 May 2018 at 22:52, <st...@linuxsuite.org> wrote:
>>            Ooops..  Opus 31 no 3, "Menuetto"
>>  -steve
>> > Hi Steve,
>> >
>> > Opus 31 has only three Sonatas, not four. What work are you referring
>> to?
>> >
>> > Dare I say, don't you just have an extra note in the last second
>> > alternative? Perhaps if I could find the Allegretto you are referring
>> to
>> > it
>> > would help see what you are actually asking. Let us know which Sonata.
>> >
>> > Andrew
>> >

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