On 2018-05-18 14:24, Thomas Morley wrote:
Hi all,

consider the following code (working as expected):

\paper {
  #(if #t (set-paper-size "a8" 'landscape) #(set-paper-size "a8"))

\score { { R1 } \layout { ragged-right = ##f } }

Switching from #t to #f results in different paper-size, as desired.

But trying to put it in a procedure, it always returns the true-case:

#(define (proc bool x y)
  (if bool x y))

\paper {
  #(proc #f (set-paper-size "a8" 'landscape) #(set-paper-size "a8"))

\score { { R1 } \layout { ragged-right = ##f } }

Paper-size is always a8-landscape.

#(define (proc bool x y)
  (if bool x y))

\paper {
  #(apply set-paper-size (proc #t '("a8" 'landscape) '("a8")))

\score { { R1 } \layout { ragged-right = ##f } }

Paper-size is always a8


What's happening here and why?
And how to make a procedure accepting set-paper-size work, with
different settings and an if-condition?

My Scheme is a little rusty over the years, but I will try to explain what is going on.

Firstly, `if` has a rule that it only evaluates either the true-value or false-value based on the Boolean. That means exactly one of the two expressions will evaluate.

Your `proc` function does not have this behavior, as the arguments passed in will be evaluated before you get to the inner `if`. Now, `set-paper-size` has a side-effect, so the evaluation of that function alone is enough to have an impact. Technically, the function should be named `set-paper-size!`, as the convention is to suffix an exclamation to indicate such functions.

So, calling `proc` with the two functions results in both being evaluated, which is not what you want.

Your `apply` approach is closer to what you want, since you are using `proc` as a means of selecting the arguments you want and calling `set-paper-size` only once. This should work, except you have an extra quote.

  #(apply set-paper-size (proc #t '("a8" landscape) '("a8")))

The outer quote for invoking the list shorthand already results in `landscape` being a symbol. The extra quote would put another layer of indirection, which `set-paper-size` does not expect.

Hope this helps,

-- Aaron Hill

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