On 2018-06-05 06:56, Zvonimir Nagy wrote:
Many thanks for your reply and advice. I provide a brief feedback below.

dir /s /b C:lilypond.exe

⇨ “File not Found”

The PowerShell command didn’t result in a message or a prompt.

Just in case, here’s the path that’s indicated when I navigate to the
Lilypond folder directory:

This PC > Windows(C:) > Program Files (x86) > Lilypond > usr > bin
Once again, this path work just fine with Frescobaldi.

Thank you so much for your help with this. Let me know if you have any
other suggestions.

(cc-ing the mailing list for visibility)

Hi Zvony,

That is rather peculiar, that you can find the files via Explorer but not the command-line. I am honestly not sure how the filesystem could fail in that way. What version of Windows are you running? (You can run `winver` to get the exact build number.)

Next thing to try... go ahead and navigate to the `bin` folder from Explorer and first just verify for sanity's sake that lilypond.exe is there. It should be, otherwise I am going to recommend an exorcist for your computer demons. (Actually, that would most likely indicate a faulty installation, so maybe just go ahead and uninstall and reinstall LilyPond.)

Now providing lilypond.exe is there, you should be able to hold down SHIFT and right-click in the whitespace of the folder (that is not on any of the files) and select "Open PowerShell window here". (If PowerShell is not your main CLI, the menu option may read "Open command window here".) At this point, you should have a console that is in the very same folder as lilypond.exe. So, run something like `lilypond --version` to see if works. If this fails, then your computer might actually need that religious intervention.

Presumably, though, this will work. But then the mystery remains why the pathing is wrong. From another console window, print out the current path: `path` (for cmd.exe) or `echo $env:Path` (for PS). Make sure that the full path of the `bin` folder appears in the list exactly. There could simply be an errant character that you have overlooked. A handy trick, by the by, is to SHIFT right-click a file or folder in Explorer to select the option "Copy as path". Remember, though, that you will need to re-open any console windows in order for them to inherit the new environment if you make any changes.

Hopefully that all is enough to help you track down the issue.

-- Aaron Hill

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