2018-06-05 22:45 GMT+02:00 Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>:
> 2018-06-05 22:35 GMT+02:00  <crimsonsunr...@protonmail.com>:
>> -------- Mensagem Original --------
>> Ativo 5 de jun de 2018 17:30, David Kastrup < d...@gnu.org> escreveu:
>> crimsonsunr...@protonmail.com writes:
>>> Well, I don't have any experience with gdb, so I wouldn't know what to
>>> do. The strange thing seems to be that, if the score is engraved using
>>> Frescobaldi's verbose output ( which has a separate engrave button ),
>>> the error doesn't happen.
>> That's not unusual for such garbage collection errors: triggering them
>> requires a garbage collection occuring at an inopportune point of time
>> and the time depends on how much memory is being temporarily used. With
>> verbose output, more memory is churned through because of the storage
>> the formatting of the verbose output requires, and thus garbage
>> collection happens at different points of time than without verbose
>> output.
>> That makes these kind of error annoyingly hard to track down: they
>> vanish and reappear with completely unrelated changes in usage and the
>> actual error message is triggered at a time far from the problem.
>> --
>> David Kastrup
>> The most I can do is see if I can upload the files so other people can see
>> if the same error happens on other machines.
> For running gdb do:
> gdb path/to/lilypond-executable
> For example: gdb lilypond-git/build/out/bin/lilypond
> You will get some infos about gdb returned, finally it ends with
> (gdb)
> Then type:
> run path/to/the/ly-file

I forgot, type:


to get the stack and then:

> Post the output.
> Cheers,
>   Harm

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