2018-08-07 21:42 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> writes:
>> 2018-08-07 20:28 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
>>> Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>> Ok, let me chime in: I've basically developed some of the low-level
>>>>> mechanisms for divisi staves.
>>>> You mean that 'make-dead-when stuff?
>>> Well, that's the internal part of the low end.  But it's usually driven
>>> by the remove-layer property.  You are not actually using it?
>> Nope.
>> I'll have a closer look at it, though.
> Maybe it's a failure.  It may well have problems scaling since it
> creates a single hierarchy.  I know that one tenet or inspiration for
> that kind of numerical hierarchy was that it was reasonably certain to
> avoid creating strange loops.

I've started trying to understand 'remove-layer by reading the IR,
doc-strings and playing with /input/regression/divisi-staves.ly
Afaik no further documentation exists.

As mentioned earlier in this thread I think divisi-Staffs should be
controled from inside themselves, not from the content for the single

Thus I changed the regtest like below.
While it works starting with single Staffs, switching to divisi and
back later, from a divisiVoice
It fails the other way round, i.e. single Staffs are never printed.

switchOff = \set Staff.keepAliveInterfaces = #'()
switchOn = \unset Staff.keepAliveInterfaces

violI=\relative d' {
  \repeat unfold 44 d4
  <d g'>2
  \repeat unfold 58 d4
  \bar "|."

violII=\relative g {
  \repeat unfold 44 g4
  <g d'>2
  \repeat unfold 58 g4
  \bar "|."

%% start with single Staffs, switch to divisi and back later
tstI = {
  \repeat unfold 44 s4
  \repeat unfold 58 s4

%% start with divisi, switch to single Staffs and back later
tstII = {
  \repeat unfold 44 s4
  \repeat unfold 58 s4

divisiVoiceI =
  \new Voice << \tstI \violII \violI >>

divisiVoiceII =
  \new Voice << \tstII \violII \violI >>

\score {
  \new StaffGroup \with { \consists "Keep_alive_together_engraver" }
    \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violin I"
               shortInstrumentName = "V I"
               \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-layer = 2
    \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violin II"
               shortInstrumentName = "V II"
               \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-layer = 2
    \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violins"
               shortInstrumentName = "V I&II"
               \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-layer = 1
    %% control divisi:
  \layout {
    short-indent = 2\cm
    indent = 3\cm

Am I doing something wrong?


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