Thank you for your reply!

Is there a command like \startStaff to set the staff type back to the
previouse one, if i am in a nested staff type construction?

Some thing which would have the effect of the following example for

\version "2.19.80"

\new Staff \with { \accepts RhythmicStaff \accepts DrumStaff \accepts 
MensuralStaff }
  c'4 g'
  \new RhythmicStaff
  {\omit Staff.TimeSignature c d f
   \new DrumStaff
   {\omit Staff.TimeSignature d f8 c d4
    \new MensuralStaff
    {\omit Staff.TimeSignature f e g8}
    \new DrumStaff 
    {\omit Staff.TimeSignature f c4 }
   \new RhythmicStaff 
   {\omit Staff.TimeSignature \time 3/8  g4. f d}

  c''1 \bar "|."

David Kastrup writes:

> Amir Teymuri <> writes:
>> Hello,
>> How can i change a Staff for instance from a noraml one to a
>> RhythmicStaff and then set back to the noraml Staff?
>> Greetings,
>> Amir
> \version "2.19.80"
> \new Staff \with { \accepts RhythmicStaff }
> {
>   c'1 g'
>   \stopStaff
>   \new RhythmicStaff
>   { \omit Staff.TimeSignature 8. 16 8 8 8. 16 8 8 }
>   \startStaff
>   c''1 \bar "|."
> }


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