Am 07.09.2018 um 16:39 schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser:

Dear Kieren,

Am 07.09.2018 um 15:24 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
Hi Fox & folks,

I wonder if it is possible to extend in the X-direction the whiteout property 
on a grob?
This is something I’ve been musing about for about six months now. There are 
definitely situations where I want to have independent control of the 
[thickness/extent of the] X- and Y- directions of the whiteout.

Looking forward to hearing any solutions offered (beyond the obvious markup 
solution you posted).
I took this as an intencive to take a stab at delving into the source code (which I always did read-only up to now). I think I managed to create a working branch from current master (I also never got the hang of git...) that allows for

\version "2.21"

\new Staff {
  \override NoteHead.whiteout = #'(5 . 40)   % Pair of X-thickness and Y-thickness
  \override NoteHead.whiteout = #'(40 . 5)


But, to be honest, I
a) am a bit ashamed because I certainly produced quite a mess in terms of code quality (being a once-a-year programmer),
b) don't quite now how to proceed with it from now.

Is there a way that one of the more experienced developers might take a look at what I produced at help me in getting it up to scratch?

I assume you won't get push access to the official Git repository on Savannah too soon. A significantly lower threshold is on the Github mirror ( This is only partially up-to-date, but I have right now pushed the latest state of the master and the staging branches, so they are in sync with the Savannah repository.

What you can do now is

 * fork this repository
 * register the fork and the main Github repository as "remotes" in
   your local repository (I suggest to name them "github" and
   "<insert-your-github-username>" if you have the Savannah repository
   as "origin")
 * create a branch for your path
 * commit
 * push to your fork
 * create a Pull Request on Github
 * tell us here about it because we won't be automatically notified
   about it.

That way anyone can look at your code, and you should be able to refine the code together with others. At some point you may then do the required registrations and upload your patch for review (as per LilyPond's Contributrs' Guide), or you may ask someone else to "sheperd" your patch through the review process.



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