On Sun 09 Sep 2018 at 09:13:17 (-0400), Ralph Palmer wrote:

> I have lines of text (copyright and source information) that I'm putting
> below the tune (on the paper). The most reliable way I found to keep the
> text centered was to put it after the \score as a \markup. I'm putting one
> to four tunes on a page. The problem is that LilyPond sometimes wants to
> put the text for the last tune on one page at the top of the following
> page. The only way I've found to prevent that is to incllude \noPageBreak
> after each line of text. Is there a simpler and/or more reliable way to
> keep the text (\markup) with the tune?

My own method for dealing with this (Anglican chants with information
lines beneath) is to set each chant separately and crop the PDFs as
they are generated, building up a battery of PDF files.

Then I use lualatex to set the document which consists mainly of
\includegraphics{name-of-chant} commands interspersed with any
cross-reference/index/toc material you require.

I think it scales better than using LP to do all the page layout work
for a book, and it makes it easy to produce selections of chants for
particular occasions.

s/chant/tune/ in your case.


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