On 2018-09-17 2:38 pm, David Sumbler wrote:
\version "2.19.82"

\language "english"

\score {
  \new Staff \with { \accidentalStyle modern } {
    \relative {
      \time 9/8
      e''8 fs gs a b c d e fs | g8 fs e d c b a g fs |
      } } }

In the above example, a cautionary natural is given to the penultimate
note.  However, here it is not only unnecessary but is actually a
little confusing.

What is the simplest way of preventing the accidental from being

You could change the accidental style temporarily:

e''8 fs gs a b c d e fs | g8 fs e d c b a \once \accidentalStyle forget g fs

-- Aaron Hill

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