Am 18.09.2018 um 15:56 schrieb foxfanfare:
Hi all,

I'm beginning my first steps in the world of LaTeX and I'm currently trying
to figure out how Lyluatex works. I'm using TeX Live (and TeXworks for
editing) on Windows.

I made this simple document:

Bonjour, j'\'edite en \LaTeX!

\relative c' { c d e f g a b c }


But when I compile it (either via TeXworks or with the command "lualatex
-shell-escape DOCUMENT.TEX", I get this in the console:

Did you correctly quote that here? I see -shell-escape instead of --shell-escape.

This is LuaTeX, Version 1.07.0 (TeX Live 2018/W32TeX)
  system commands enabled.

Module lyluatex Error: LilyPond could not be started.
(lyluatex)             Please check that LuaLaTeX is started with the
(lyluatex)             --shell-escape option, and that 'program'
(lyluatex)             points to a valid LilyPond executable.
(lyluatex)             on input line 8


I don't understand why. I also tried to change :
\usepackage[program=C:/Program Files
(x86)/LilyPond/usr/bin/lilypond.exe]{lyluatex} but this didn't solve the

I'm not sure about the behaviour on Windows, but I'd assume you have to wrap a path that includes spaces in curly brackets:

  [program={C:/Program Files (x86)/LilyPond/usr/bin/lilypond.exe}]

Could someone please point me in the right direction to make it work?

Is that the right direction?



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