On 2018-09-18 2:55 pm, tripleamia wrote:
I'm working in Frescobaldi, so I have the right hand and left hand, and for the first two measures of the left hand I need to switch from bass to treble
before any notes. I'm having difficulty explaining but you see in the
picture what I'm trying to do. What is the least complicated way to do this?

Here is an ugly hack that achieves what you want by inserting a very small moment to allow the initial bass clef to not be immediately overridden by the treble clef:

\version "2.19.82"
hack = { \cadenzaOn s128 \cadenzaOff }
\new PianoStaff { <<
  \new Staff {
    \clef treble \key d \major \time 3/4 \hack
    fis''4. e''8 d''4 | a'4. g'8 fis'4 | }
  \new Staff {
    \clef bass \key d \major \time 3/4 \hack
    \clef treble d''4 a'8 fis' d'4 |
    \clef bass d'4 a8 fis d4 | } >> }

That hack in mind, what I would do is not try to duplicate the reference engraving exactly and rather just go with the treble clef from the beginning. This would visually simplify the piece and give you back a little width in the line as you don't need the otherwise useless bass clef.

-- Aaron Hill
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