On 2018-09-24 at 01:02, David Wright wrote:
On Sun 23 Sep 2018 at 14:35:59 (-0700), Aaron Hill wrote:
On 2018-09-23 1:43 pm, Noeck wrote:
Txt = \lyricmode { Ah Ah __ \repeat unfold 2 { \skip 1 } Ah Ah }

Try using "" or any invisible markup instead of the skips.
That did not work here. But this ugly hack does:

\lyricmode { Ah Ah __ \markup \with-color #white " " _ Ah Ah }

Actually, the color does not matter. But only an empty markup or a
is not enough.
My solution to this sort of thing is to make sure that only notes that
have lyrics assigned are in the voice in question when using
\addlyrics or \lyricsto.  The two "extra" notes would be put into
their own voice so nothing tries to bind to them.

\version "2.18.2"
A = \relative g' { g2 g( g g) << { s2 s } \\ { \oneVoice g2 g } >> g g }
Txt = \lyricmode { Ah Ah __ Ah Ah }
\score { \A \addlyrics { \Txt } \layout {} }
That's adds a lot of complexity. I prefer a simpler approach:

\version "2.18.2"

A = \relative g' { g2 g( g g) g g g g }
n = \lyricmode { "" }

Txt = \lyricmode { Ah Ah __ \n _ Ah Ah }

\score { \A \addlyrics { \Txt } \layout {} }

nbsp = \markup \char ##x00A0 % safer alternative than the literal char (which 
does work)
n = \lyricmode { \nbsp }

Txt = \lyricmode { Ah Ah __ \n _ Ah Ah }

\score { \A \addlyrics { \Txt } \layout {} }

The first method can emit warning messages so I use the second,
defined in a library \include.

You only need one melisma stopper, and I then use _ for subsequent notes as

   … a melisma __ \n
   \repeat unfold 83 _
   Next lyric …

is so tidy, and easily edited.


Hello everybody, Simon, Noeck, Aaron and David, and thank you for your efforts in my embarrassment.

Simon: Well, I started with your suggestion, and it worked, so I was satisfied, almost. The printed score was what I wanted and I could see no influence on the MIDI file. But instead I got a bunch of warnings because of the empty string "". Well, it was warnings and not errors, so the compilation worked fine, and at that stage I was prepared to accept, even if I was not fully contented.

Noeck: You suggested to print the stop character in white, the assumed paper colour. But what happens if you would print your score on a coloured paper, e.g. yellow. Right now I cannot see any reason for this, but it might happen. Well, I have seen this suggestion in the manual NB, too, but think it's a second-hand solution.

Aaron: Yes, your solution works fine for this small example, but it has one (solvable and possibly affordable) disadvantage: Since you introduce two completely new voices, all settings you may have done for the original voice, e.g. \stemDown etc.., are lost for these two. Of course you can introduce them quit easily with a variable or something, but that is the consequence. So this method will not be my choice.

David: Already after testing Simon's method the thoughts started in my head, that I ought to search for a non printable control character, but then it dealt with the original ASCII characters (the interval hex 0x00 to 0x1F). Indeed I was not aware of the special character you use. But it works perfect, and I have not noticed any unwanted side effects. So that is the way I will chose. The last lines in your message, starting with "You only need one melisma stopper" I do not fully understand, but the method you describe before that is crystal clear.

Thank you all for your help and your assistance. It has helped me a lot in an irritating situation.


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