Hi all

I'm trying again to make lilypond-invoke-editor work in Windows.
Someone managed to make it work using Windows Subsystem for Linux, that is installing the LylyPond Linux binary in Windows. But I'd like to use the installation for Windows.

I think I'm really close to it.
The easiest setup seems to add all the necessary environment variables and add LilyPond bin/ directory to the path. Now I'm at a point where in Git Bash I can easily run lilypond-invoke-editor without errors. Except when I try to open a URI and the $(file)s, $(line)s and $(column)s variables are not expanded. What do you think it's missing? It may be a bug in editor.scm?

$ echo $LYEDITOR
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin\code" --goto $(file)s:$(line)s:$(column)s

$ lilypond-invoke-editor textedit:///c/Users/test/Documents/test.ly:1:1:1 Arguments in `--goto` mode should be in the format of `FILE(:LINE(:CHARACTER))`.
lilypond-invoke-editor (GNU LilyPond) 2.19.82

# dummy test to show that the editor (VS Code) command is failing
$ code --goto Documents/test.ly:file:line:column
Arguments in `--goto` mode should be in the format of `FILE(:LINE(:CHARACTER))`.

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