Hi to everyone from Spain,

I have got a special need with lilypond. I need to add text to slurs for
educational purposes, I'm a music teacher and I'd like to add information
to musical phrases. The code:

\version "2.18.2"
#(ly:set-option 'midi-extension "midi")
\header {}

\score {
    \new Staff = "melody" {
        \clef "treble"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
        \new Voice {
            \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
            \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #-4
            \time 4/4

            \set Score.currentBarNumber = #0
            r2.^\markup { \column { \bold "The Beatles - Till there was you
(1950)" "A(16)"  }  } e'4(
            \bar "|."  g'4)  r2  e'4(  g'4)  r2  e'4(  g'4  f'4)  r4 c''4(
g'4  f'4)  r4  c'4(  f'4  e'4   b'2  a'2)  r2   c'2(  g'2)  r2.  e'4(
            \bar "||" \break
            g'4) r2  e'4(  g'4)  r2  e'4(  g'4  f'4)  r4  c''4(  g'4  f'4)
r4  c'4(  f'4  e'4   b'2  a'2)  r2  c'2(  c'2)  r1  \bar "|."  \break
            \set Score.currentBarNumber = #0
            r2  c'2(^\markup { "B(8)" }  \bar "|."  d''2   c''2)  r2
d''2(   a'2  g'2  a'2  b'2)  a'1(  e'2  c'2  d'1)  dis'1  \bar "|."  \break
\layout { indent = #0  }

\markup {
  \column {
\line { \hspace #1.0 }


I've checking the online manual and no info about this. Anybody can help
with this?

Best regards to all
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