In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

On 5-Feb-05, at 9:40 AM, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
As I've said before, please tell me exactly what section(s) should
changed, and exactly
what should be changed or added.

Table of Contents

    * GNU LilyPond \u2014 The music typesetter
    * Preface
          o Notes for version 2.4
    * 1 Introduction
          o 1.1 Engraving
          o 1.2 Automated engraving
Something like this? --> Relevant Features/Limitations
                         (of the languages (TeX, LaTeX, Scheme, etc.)
          o 1.3 What symbols to engrave?
          o 1.4 Music representation
          o 1.5 Example applications

While you do skirt the topic several times in the section, I think it
deserves a subsection heading.  daveA

OK, got it. We should have a section about "Relevant features/limitations".
I'm not certain if the intro is the best place for it -- maybe somewhere in
chapter 7 or 8 would be better? -- but we can work that out later.

Now what should I include in such a section?  In other words,
(see my above quoted section) what exactly should be added?

As the person who started all this ...

The problem is that I missed the one line about midi.

I would suggest two changes. In the section about transposition, the *first* sentence should say something like "this command is used to convert transposed music to concert pitch for midi output only. For printed output use transpose".

And in the section about transpose, okay ... I know it's me being dense but ... the manual goes on about transposing music to output a part. I didn't make the manual leap to inputting a part. Going on about the trombone again, but how about ... "Or consider an instrument like the trombone, where parts may be in either Bb or C. A part can be wrapped in "\transpose c bf" when entering from a Bb part, and then that can be wrapped in either "\transpose c c" or "\transpose bf c" depending on which part you want to produce."

The problem is, it never crossed my mind (and it's not obvious from the manual) that you can actually do "\transpose c bf { \transpose bf c { music }}". And it probably never crossed anybody else's mind as to why on earth anyone would want to do such a thing :-) but if you want to produce a score and parts from the same set of notes, it makes life a lot easier (at least it does for me) if I can simply assume any music fragment is in C unless I've forced it to something else for a specific reason.

Anthony W. Youngman - wol at thewolery dot demon dot co dot uk
HEX wondered how much he should tell the Wizards. He felt it would not be a
good idea to burden them with too much input. Hex always thought of his reports
as Lies-to-People.
The Science of Discworld : (c) Terry Pratchett 1999

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