Here is my MWE. It seems rather naive, and I feel there must be more
intelligent ways to do this. Here's a basis for help to start with,
hopefully making clearer what I want.

The disadvantage here of course is that the heavier barlines have to be
manually inserted. Not a large effort, but just does not seem smooth.


\version "2.19.82"

music = {
  \time 5/4
  \scaleDurations 5/1 {
  c'4 c'16 c' c' c' c'4 c' c'
  \bar "."
  c'4 c'8 c' c'4 c' c'
  \bar "."

\score {
  \new Staff \music
  \layout {}



On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 13:44, Andrew Bernard <>

> My complexity school composer colleague uses what he calls beat markers
> instead of barlines to assist players locating where they are in the
> complex mass of notes. So for example, we have a section of 5/4. but there
> is a barline (actually, we use the old mensural type line system) every
> beat, so I set the music in 1/4. Previously, we have omitted the actual
> time signature for various reaons, but now I want it displayed.
> So how can I show 5/4 but have the music be in 1/4 for creating the 'beat
> lines' (just think of them as barlines). And so on for a whole lot of other
> time signatures.
> Attached image may make this clearer.
> While we are here, how could I get the time signature between the systems,
> as in this manuscript copy?
> Andrew
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