Am 11.11.18 um 12:13 schrieb Thomas Morley:
> A very quick glance offered only one snippet where stemUp/Down is reasonable: 
> Stem and Slur in different directions.

I think \stemUp/Down has its place as a fine tuning not a replacement
for voices.

Here is a snippet where I actually think it is a reasonable choice to
use \stemUp and \stemDown:

\version "2.19.80"

\relative {
  \key c \minor
  \stemDown c'16\p^( es fis g \stemUp as\< g fis g \!
  es'\> d c g\! as[ g] \stemDown fis g) |

(First voice and first measure of Rachmaninoff, op. 23 No. 7.)

It's piano music and I already use 6 voices to represent the
"voice"-structure of the music. But sometimes the notes of one voice are
played by the other hand and that is indicated by the stem direction.
All other directions are kept (slurs, etc.).


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