Dear Sean,

the Staff needs to start with a capital S: \new Staff
LilyPond is case-sensitive. That’s all.

Two other points:

1. You have some arbitrarily placed braces. I’d suggest to use them only
where they are needed.

2. Are you really using LilyPond 2.14? That’s really old. I’d suggest to
install a newer version (2.18 "stable" or a also reasonably stable
"development version" 2.19).

Here is your code such with the correct Staff:

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new Staff {
      \time 3/4
      \key ees \major
      g''2 f8 g8~ |
    \new Staff {
      \key ees \major
      aes'8 ees'8 c'2 |


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