On 10/15/18 10:59 PM, Vaughan McAlley wrote:
On Tue, 16 Oct 2018, 11:07 Christopher R. Maden, <cr...@maden.org>
I’ve just released an album of sea chanteys (as threatened like a
year ago).  I’m giving away a songbook with my arrangements — since
I had to make MIDI guide tracks for the recording anyway, why not?

I’m struggling, though, with how best to engrave them.  There are 3
to 6 voices in each chorus, and putting them all on one staff is
messy, but making a proper ChoirStaff seems overkill.

I would put two lines to a staff at most. If there are an odd number
of voices, give the time a line of its own. It can be quite tricky to
read the middle line of a bunch of three-note chords, and the ability
to do that separates the elite second soprano from the rest.

Thanks, and apologies for the much-delayed response...

I’ve redone <URL: http://music.maden.org/index.php?title=Rio_Grande > (direct PDF download: <URL: http://music.maden.org/images/e/e6/Rio_grande.pdf >) — does that seem about the right amount of detail?

Thanks again in advance,
Chris Maden, text nerd
<URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
Emperor Norton had the right idea.

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