> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Reggie <reegist...@gmail.com>
> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2018 13:17:19 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: Combine these segments for same score
> David Wright wrote
> > On Sun 16 Dec 2018 at 11:05:05 (-0700), Reggie wrote:
> >> Urs Liska-3 wrote
> >> > one thing you will have to accept is that the segment approach you're
> >> > after will not save compilation time of the score as a whole. What it
> >> can
> >> > do is give you a handle to compile only small chunks or "segments" at
> a
> >> > time *while editing*.
> >> >
> >> > I'm only on my mobile phone so I can't go into detail now, but you
> >> should
> >> > clarify if that is what you mean or if my comment shows you that you
> >> were
> >> > hoping for something that doesn't exist.
> >>
> >> Urs hello this is 100% what I am desiring to save on small chunk
> segments
> >> compile times during editing. I am aware and OK with of course having to
> >> wait in the "end" when the full score needs to be compiled :)) I am
> >> interested in how to create segments as I go along and the piece gets
> >> longer
> >> and I compile segments as NEEDED during editing yes yes. Can you at your
> >> convenience help in this thread with how segments work I feel so stupid.
> >
> > I think you may be after tagging.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > David.
> >
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> > lilypond-user mailing list
> > lilypond-user@
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> Hello I am not looking for tagging I use tags for certain things but in
> this
> case as I've said now I am interested in the segment that Urs is clearly
> talking about. I understand now that it's not in the documentation. Thank
> you. I know skipping music is available but that is not what I am looking
> for thank you. I hope Urs or someone can clearly show how this segment
> works
> now that I hope we finally arrived on the same page :)

Yes, you can use tags for segmenting large works into smaller chunks.

And it is possible to use them for other things as well.  Besides
segmenting the work, I use them for MIDI vs PDF, as well as Score vs Parts
(vs Lead Sheet), and sometimes for instrument-specific differences (in
instrumental doubled or transposed parts), all at the same time.

This is something I practice.  I have a script that will create the
necessary files for the project that will compile a score and parts that
can be built into a blank project.  It relies on some templates, plus a
list of instruments.  It works fine enough that I haven't had to look for
another solution.

Like any of the solutions discussed on the list, this is not a
one-size-fits-all bullet and requires wrangling with some decisions about
how you want to structure your content.  You will likely have to
deconstruct some of what you already have to work in any templating
system.  It is also somewhat of an iterative process, since you need to
start with a template of the global definitions and timings, before setting
up the template used to generate the instrument-specific files of musical

In any case, your pain is felt.  But it is possible.  I generally do scores
of 9-12 staves at 200-400 measures and it took me quite some time to arrive
at a solution that works.


Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
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