On 2018-12-19 3:43 am, Urs Liska wrote:
Am 19. Dezember 2018 11:53:26 MEZ schrieb Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com>:
But if Frescobaldi needs to have a path to the LilyPond installation,
then it can never be made to work with WSL.  There is no* path to the
WSL file system that a Windows program can access.  Instead, it is the
Windows file system that is mounted so that Linux programs can
read/write to it from the WSL environment.  This is the only supported
method for data transfer.

How does one launch Linux programs then? Is that some specific "WSL
Shell" that you start and then have a bash or something? And this does
mean theWSL can only be used to do stuff on the Linux command line, no
way to use Linux commands triggered from Windows applications?

The Windows program "wsl.exe" is the interop program that ties things together. You can call it and pass it a command to be executed within the WSL environment.

So, while I can simply say "lilypond" in a WSL shell, under a Windows shell I need to say "wsl lilypond" to have the same effect. Note then that I am technically running "wsl.exe", not "lilypond"; but "lilypond" will end up a child process of "wsl.exe" with standard input/output properly routed.

(Related to this, you can run any Windows binary from a WSL shell directly without needing any interop program. So "wsl.exe" is just for executing Linux binaries from Windows.)

Is there something like a $PATH to look for Linux commands? Then it
might be possible to create an invocation from Frescobaldi. I wasn't
clear about it: the default in Frescobaldi is to simply call
"lilypond" if no specific path is given, and we can of course do
anything that can be done in the given set-up.

Running "wsl echo $PATH" should return that value from the WSL environment. Be aware that WSL will automatically forward the current Windows environment path to the Linux environment, so that "wsl echo $PATH" will include entries from the Windows side of life. These are appropriately converted from the Windows path format to something that is valid in WSL:

    D:\path\to\folder -> /mnt/d/path/to/folder

In theory, all we should need is for Frescobaldi to spawn a process like this:

    wsl.exe /path/to/lilypond file.ly

(Of course, /path/to/lilypond is only needed if it is not already in the path. For instance, I installed LilyPond globally using sudo so it created entries in /usr/local/bin for me.)

One challenge, though, is that Frescobaldi will invariably pass as arguments paths to files that are in Windows format, since it is after all running on Windows. These paths will need to be converted. "wslpath" is a command in the WSL environment for this exact purpose.

I never hit this issue in my own use as I only ever run…

    wsl lilypond file.ly

…for a file in the current directory. But I could not, for instance, say…

    wsl lilypond "D:\path\to\file.ly"

…which would be rejected by Linux lilypond as an invalid path. I could, however, say…

    wsl lilypond `wslpath "D:\path\to\file.ly"`

…which is rather wordy, but would get the job done. For Frescobaldi, however, we'd would likely need an intermediate script that translates file paths. But this is probably non-trivial, as there are a few cases where paths could show up and need conversion (e.g. "-dinclude-settings=" would need to be handled).

(Side note: I mainly use Bash on Windows, which follows the "proper" way to work with paths. This helps greatly, as it means I can do relative paths on Windows and have the slashes pointing the right direction automatically. I had tried using PowerShell for a long time but gave up after continually fighting issues like pathing, ultimately determining that PS is not intended to be an interactive shell. Great for scripting, but that's about it.)

To Michael's point about running Linux in a VM, I would also agree that it is more likely the sensible option if you are going to go as far as set up a desktop environment and try to get Frescobaldi running in WSL. Aside from the fact that it is not really an intended use case for WSL, virtualization makes some things much easier.

And to reply to Saul: I would probably look at WSL LilyPond as a CLI approach only. Think of it as the final build tool. While iterating on your score, continue to use Frescobaldi on Windows with the Windows build of LilyPond. Despite the 32-bit constraint, hopefully no single part of a score is so big as to run out of memory. And then when you need to do the complete build, that is when you'd shell out to WSL and let 64-bit Linux LilyPond do the work. With this strategy, it is no longer important that Frescobaldi be able to directly work with WSL.

-- Aaron Hill

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