In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

On 9-Feb-05, at 4:09 PM, Anthony W. Youngman wrote:

And can I make a plea for documentation to be available in dead-tree format... the manual is nice (I've got a printed copy) but so much only appears to be available "on screen" - which is all well and good until you want to actually read the stuff! I do a moderate amount of reading/working on my daily commute - when I have no computer access...

There's a pdf with everything -- 250 pages or so. Print whatever chapters you're
interested in.

If you mean the 236 page manual, I've already printed off a copy ... which does not appear to be EVERYTHING.

I've just tried to prove it by going to and looking at what's available there, but I'm getting "403 forbidden" when I click on the documentation links :-( I don't appear to have documentation installed on the system I'm currently on ...

But looking at the manual, section 7.1.3 refers you to a load of other documentation - which does not appear to be available in pdf form.

Anthony W. Youngman - wol at thewolery dot demon dot co dot uk
HEX wondered how much he should tell the Wizards. He felt it would not be a
good idea to burden them with too much input. Hex always thought of his reports
as Lies-to-People.
The Science of Discworld : (c) Terry Pratchett 1999

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