On 1/4/19, Yakir Arbib <yakirar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Would anyone here -- especially those of you who are composers and use
> Lily for contemporary music be willing to give me a few paid private
> lessons over Skype or What'sapp so that we can cover some of the
> features I need to get started with my work?

I’ve been using nothing but LilyPond for nearly 13 years now, for both
simple and complex contemporary music (sometimes generated through
algorithms, implemented purely within LilyPond), ranging from solo
piano to large symphonic scores. I’ve also been teaching LilyPond
courses at various levels. I am not looking to give paid advice, but
feel free to ask if you have any specific questions. (Like many people
here, I try to avoid proprietary software… but anyway, video/audio
chat has become much easier now that web browsers have support for


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