Hello Harm,

This is totally brilliant, and works perfectly.

Here is an interesting technical documentation issue, which is that I had
no idea this has anything to do with extra-spacing-width, and only hit on
it after long searches of the web and the archives, then based on
somebody's guess. Somehow there needs to be some _explanatory_ document
that actually explains these concepts in lilypond, because in this case and
others, it's non-obvious (to my dim consciousness). I'd seriously offer to
write such a text, but I am exactly the wrong person to do so because I am
the one that is baffled still in general by these internals.

I cant be the only one to want to write over the span bar. Could this be an
LSR snippet?


On Fri, 11 Jan 2019 at 09:47, Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>

> So why not reenable thegeneral default? Makes for:
> ppecresc = \tweak DynamicText.self-alignment-X #LEFT
> \tweak DynamicText.extra-spacing-width #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0)
> #(make-dynamic-script ppecrescText)
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