On 2019-01-21 6:17 pm, Reggie wrote:
For your information, top-system-spacing has zero effect on my Score. I have
my margins set all to a basic .75\in and this top-system-spacing has no
visible change. Why is this? What causes top-system-spacing to not show any
change? How should I be a detective and solve this? :))

Is there any \markup above the \score? If so, then top-system-spacing will not apply. Instead, what will matter is a combination of top-markup-spacing and markup-system-spacing.

Consider the following:

\version "2.19.82"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a6")
  top-margin = 50\pt % eqv. to 10 staff spaces at default staff size
  left-margin = 50\pt
  indent = 0
  tagline = ##f
  ragged-bottom = ##t

top-markup-spacing.basic-distance = 10 % staff spaces are the units here
  top-system-spacing.basic-distance = 30
  markup-system-spacing.basic-distance = 20
  score-markup-spacing.basic-distance = 15

ruler = \tweak color #red \tweak stencil #(lambda (grob)
  (ly:make-stencil (ly:stencil-expr (apply ly:stencil-add
    (map (lambda (n) (let ((t (if (zero? (modulo n 10)) 0.3 0.1))
                           (x (+ 5 (if (zero? (modulo n 5)) 7 0)
                                   (if (zero? (modulo n 10)) 3 0))))
                       (make-line-stencil t (- x) n x n)))
      (iota 61 -20)))) '(0 . 1) '(0 . 0))) \etc

\markup { \fontsize #6 "top markup" }
\new Staff { \mark \markup "after markup score" \ruler b'1 }
\markup { \fontsize #6 "after score markup" }
\new Staff { \mark \markup "top score" \ruler b'1 }
\markup { \fontsize #6 "after score markup" }

This replaces the whole notes on each staff with a bright red ruler measuring in staff spaces. You should be able to confirm all of the spacing distances as specified in the \paper block.

-- Aaron Hill

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