Klaus Ethgen <klaus+lilyp...@ethgen.ch> writes:

> Hi Folks,
> I have one music where the "lines" (Sorry, I am not exactly sure about
> the english name of it) on a note are pointing both down even if they
> are marked with different voices:
>    classicalGuitar = \relative c
>    {
>       \global
>       \easyHeadsOn
>       c4 d8 e g g
>       a4 a8 g f4
>       \repeat volta 2
>       {
>        <<
>           { \voiceOne e4 f g
>           \new voice { \voiceTwo c4 d e
>        >>
>        \oneVoice r4
>        <<
>           { \voiceOne e4 f g
>           \new voice { \voiceTwo c4 d h
>        >>
>        \oneVoice r4
>       }
>    }
> From the documentation I would think that the \voiceOne and the
> \oneVoice parts have lines pointing up and the \voiceTwo parts pointing
> down.
> But it is different. Up to f4 and the repeat beginning, the lines
> pointing up and then both are pointing down.
> Is there any I do wrong?

Did you read the error messages?  I mean, it's not like the above is
compilable code either way (\global is not defined anywhere and there
are lots of braces opening and not closes) so it isn't quite clear what
the actual code _really_ looks like.  But if your sloppy rendition is an
indication, you should have been getting error messages because of
non-existent context names.

David Kastrup

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