Hi David,

> They are completely different functions and rely on different
> information getting collected and processed by the respective engravers.
> So you cannot just merge them into one function that then does different
> things dependent on some centre-in-measure flag.

As is so often the case, I don’t seem to be asking the right question(s), or 
else I’m asking the right question(s) in a way that does not result in helpful 

So here goes another attempt to as the right question, or ask it in the right 

Is it really the case that the best way for Lilypond to centre things in 
measures is the current ad-hoc grab-bag of built-in algorithms (cf. MMRs) and 
distinct hacks (David N’s measure-centred spanners, Harm’s 
note-column-centering, etc. etc. etc.), as opposed to building a single, 
consistent, shared mechanism that could be used / adapted / leveraged / 
referenced / whatever by any grob [type] that wanted to be centred in a measure?


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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