Am Di., 26. Feb. 2019 um 14:12 Uhr schrieb Urs Liska <>:

> Am 26.02.19 um 12:02 schrieb Thomas Morley:
> > Am Mo., 25. Feb. 2019 um 13:14 Uhr schrieb Urs Liska 
> > <>:

> > Why not going for bound-padding instead of minimum-length.
> I wasn't aware that multimeasure rests are spanners and that I could use
> bound-padding.

Otherwise you wouldn't be able to go for minimum-length ;)

> I must admit that this doesn't seem to properly work when applied to my
> code.
> Do I understand correctly that bound-padding ensures padding to the
> right and left of the given (spanner) grob. So when the rest (or my
> in-place replacement with arbitrary markup) has a width of, say, 4 staff
> spaces, and bound-padding is set to, say, 10, then my measure is
> guaranteed to be (at least) 24 staff spaces wide?

I think so.

> I can successfully map your code to mine, determining a bound-padding
> value of half the difference between the wider markup and the stencil
> within the staff. However, without any additional padding I notice that
> the measures are usually *wider* than necessary, even forcing the music
> to run off the staff to the right.
> The attached images show that the effective padding is very different in
> different measures. And when I subtract some manual offset I end up some
> measures still having generous padding while others already have the
> markup overlap the barlines.
> So I have the impresstion that - while solving the original issue of
> measure-start elements - bound-padding is still not sufficiently
> reliable/manageable for my issue.
> Urs

I think lilypond stretches lines to fill up the line-width. So the
applied bound-padding may result in different visible spacing.
Additionally there seems to be some default space to the left/right of
a MMR.

Though, with my limited tests I've never seen the music running out to
the right.
Could you post some example-code?


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