On Thu 07 Mar 2019 at 19:32:27 (+0530), AKSHITA TYAGI wrote:
> I mean like there are files in MIDI and for that we can get notations.
> But we can also use those stored notations as input and get real music as
> output.
> Like we give 2 options-
> 1.music to notations (the usual one)
> 2.notations to music- In which we can give user the notations to enter and
> he/she will get to listen to the music generated by those notations.

I'm getting very confused by the terminology in this thread.
So far we have:

MIDI files
notations (stored)
real music
notation (given) to enter to something
translations of notations (stored)
suggestions of notations (popping up)

I understand the following:

M) MIDI files with the filename foo.mid or foo.midi
L) LilyPond source with the filename foo.ly
P) LilyPond program source with filenames like foo.scm and bar.ly
                        (leaving aside binaries)
S) Scores, varying from a Bach manuscript to printed editions of the same
J) Real music which I hear in the concert hall or off the radio/MP3 player
G) Synthesised music which I hear when I play MIDI files on various devices

LilyPond can do L→S and L→M using various fragments of P.
Frescobaldi does much the same, displaying L and S on the screen.
midi2ly does M→basic L, and I've tried Rosegarden for this too.

I think programs exist that can turn a scanned S into a proprietary
program's version of L, say, a .sib file.

Given those terms, I can't quite figure out what's being discussed here.

> On Thu, Mar 7, 2019, 5:20 PM Karlin High <karlinh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > If replies to lilypond-user messages are only addressed to the sender,
> > the rest of the list will not see them. Please include
> > lilypond-user@gnu.org as a TO or CC address in future messages. A GSoC
> > discussion requires input from others besides me.
> >
> > On 3/7/2019 3:42 AM, AKSHITA TYAGI wrote:
> > > Translating to real music- like we input the notations and get music as
> > > output. For that maybe we can reverse the program or we can create a new
> > > library which stores the translation of the notations maybe a bit
> > > complicated but worth trying I think.
> > > Maybe we can add more features and make it look better as display it is
> > > translated to both audio and lyrics.
> > > And pop up with suggestions of notations.
> > > And for more languages we can add on more languages in the library.
> > > Because India and China are one of the top most countries that are found
> > > of music.
> >
> > The Frescobaldi editor for LilyPond has a MIDI player. It plays the MIDI
> > files made by LilyPond for the given notation. Would your feature for
> > translating to real music be something like that?


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