Hi Gianmaria,

Can you explain the purpose of nulling out the list?

I am somewhat concerned that there is a misunderstanding you have about
Scheme. Scheme procedures are call-by-value. This means the arguments are
evaluated and the value then passed to the procedure. The value of the
parameter in the calling environment cannot be changed. This is how C and
Scheme and many other languages work. [In C you can pass a pointer to alter
a variable outside the function. but there is no such thing in Scheme - for
good reasons.] It's not call-by-reference.


This is why what you are after can only be done with a macro, which is not
a function and operates at the same top level as your list.

I'll stop here as this could turn into a long explanation about Scheme. But
I think you are approaching Scheme as though it were a normal procedural
programming language, whereas it is far more fluent to use it in a more
Lisp like, and functional programming way, if you can, pace the particular
requirements of it being embedded in lilypond with guile.

Can I refer you to Kent Dybvig's excellent book in Scheme?


The thing that helped me the most with lilypond was learning Scheme
properly and thoroughly. [Not meaning to teach you to suck eggs,]


On Sun, 7 Apr 2019 at 01:11, Gianmaria Lari <gianmarial...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think the problem is related to the fact resetList changes mylist
> locally (sort of) but I have no idea how I can fix it. Any help?
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