Hi Michael,

what about

\new Voice { << R1 { s2. s4^"some markup" } >> }

? The \new Voice should not even be necessary in a typical score, with blocks like

\score {
    \new Staff <<
      % clef, time, etc.
      \new Voice \thisIsWhereMyMusicComesFrom

(It's only because each simultaneous expression on the outermost level gets its own staff by default.)


On 21.05.19 13:36, Michael Gerdau wrote:
the following MWE triggers a barcheck failure. Is that intended or a bug?
And if it is intended I'd like to understand the rationale.

\version "2.21.0"
{ R1*3/4 s4 | }

Hi Michael,

that’s intended: R is used for full/multi-measure rests; they start and
end at bar lines. Therefore, R produces not only the rest but also bar

Those rests always are printed centered in the measure. What would you
expect from the code above?

The use case is this

\version "2.21.0"
{ R1*3/4 s4^\markup "some markup" |}

Of course I could achieve that by
\version "2.21.0"
{ << { \oneVoice R1 } \\ { s2. s4^\markup "some markup" |} >> }
but that seems ugly and at least to me unnecessarily complicated.

Kind regards,

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