> On Jun 23, 2019, at 1:38 AM, Craig Dabelstein <craig.dabelst...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi Lilyponders,
> Can anyone tell me what this error message means when trying to compile a 
> file?
> Drawing 
> systems.../home/gub/NewGub/gub/target/darwin-x86/src/lilypond-git.sv.gnu.org--lilypond.git-stable-2.20/flower/include/drul-array.hh:35:
>  failed assertion `d == 1 || d == -1'
> Exited with exit status 1.

This is my least favorite kind of error! Whenever I have these, it often 
concerns beaming, especially when LP is trying to beam more than two notes but, 
because of a misplaced octave or perhaps a clef change, it can't draw a 
satisfactory beam. Sometimes, just turning off beaming in 4s can allow the file 
to compile so that you can start investigating. 


If that doesn't work, and if the file has been compiling fine right along, I'll 
assume the issue has to do with the part most recently entered. I'll stick a %} 
at the end of the part and then pick a reasonable point to put a %{ and, with 
that section now "turned off", I'll see if the piece can compile. If not, I 
keep moving the %{ earlier and earlier until it does.

Hope this helps,

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