Hi Urs, hi Kim,

On 29.07.19 11:10, Urs Liska wrote:
> Hi Kim (?),
> 28. Juli 2019 22:59, "kimfierens" <khkfier...@gmail.com> schrieb:
>> Hi everyone, I'm new to LilyPond, and I have a layout question for you. The
>> title says it all basically: how do I get LilyPond to put a fixed distance
>> between the upper page edge and the top line of the first staff, regardless
>> of any stuff (such as notes on ledger lines) that might stick out above the
>> staff?
> First: Unfortunately LilyPond doesn't make this too easy because it doesn't 
> "think" like that. I have often wanted to achieve this in order to get facing 
> pages align vertically and produce a more consistent "type area", but to no 
> avail.

I don't agree. It's somewhat obscured by the fact that
top-system-spacing has a padding by default; but what about

\version "2.18"
#(set-default-paper-size "a6landscape")
\paper {
  top-system-spacing = #'((padding . -inf.0) (minimum-distance . 15))
  last-bottom-spacing = #'((padding . -inf.0) (minimum-distance . 15))
  c''''1 \break
  c,,1 \pageBreak
  c,,1 \break

(For real use, I recommend to use the a negative padding of something
less than minimum-distance minus 2, to make sure that you accidentally
crop something in extreme conditions.)


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