The lyrics DO NOT format correctly if NullVoice is used for the Tenor.The 
lyrics format correctly if Voice is used for the Tenor.The lyrics format 
correctly using NullVoice if the Soprano and Tenor if "\new Staff" is 
removed.Any insight? Many thanks in advance.
\version "2.18.2"\new Staff
<<  \new Voice = "Soprano" << \relative c'' { f4 e4.( d8  c8[ e8] b4) b4  } >>  
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "Soprano" { \lyricmode { And crown __ Him, } }  \new 
NullVoice = "Tenor" << \relative c' { c4 c4 c4 s4 c4 c4 } >>
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Tenor" { \lyricmode { And crown Him, crown Him, } }
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