"Octave checks" occurred to me while I was writing. I should have
thought to RTFM before sending...



On 08/23, ma...@masonhock.com wrote:
> I typically make few errors while inputting music. The two most common
> exceptions are incorrect note durations and placing a note in the wrong
> octave. The former generally is not a problem, because bar checks catch
> the error and tell me where to look. However, the latter slips by more
> easily.
> If after compiling I notice that a voice is in the wrong octave, I know
> to then go looking for the error, but with no equivalent to bar checks,
> it takes longer to find the error. Worse is when I have made two octave
> errors in opposite directions, causing the voice to end up in the
> correct octave. In this case, I don't spot the error until I do a round
> of proofreading.
> Does anyone have any tips they've found for avoiding this kind of error
> or catching it earlier? What I'm trying now is to get into a habit of
> compiling and checking against the manuscript more frequently, but this
> slows me down, so I'd also be interested in general strategies for
> avoiding octave errors in the first place. What would be terrific is
> some sort of "octave check" where at the end of a line I can enter a
> pitch in absolute notation which is checked against the most recent
> pitch in relative notation and throw an error if the octave is wrong,
> similar to \barNumberCheck.
> Mason

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