On 2019-08-27 1:12 am, Jacques Menu wrote:
Here is an MWE showing my problem.

What I don’t understand is why and extra ‘_2’ is needed in
lyricsManual to obtain the same alignment as in the two automatic

[ . . . ]

It appears that you are trying to use both automatic and manual syllable durations at the same time. If I were the doc writer, I would want to know how you got down this path. I could not find an example in the NR that uses both techniques at the same time. Ultimately, you should either just specify the durations by hand or not at all relying on \addlyrics or \lyricsto.

As far as I can tell, the reason for the behavior you are seeing is that \set associatedVoice in the \with block is having no effect. You are actually relying solely on manual durations for that test case. And you need to specify the duration of that final "_" syllable to match the timing of the notes, since the preceding, and thusly inherited, duration is an eighth note. For the second test case, your use of \lyricsto is properly overriding any durations you specify based on the notes in the context named. The fact that "_" is input as an implicit eighth does not matter then.

To circle back to the docs, where did you see \set associatedVoice used within a \with block? Near as I can tell, it is only used to *change* the context for timing when used within an \addlyrics or \lyricsto block. It does not appear to be intended for use alone.

-- Aaron Hill

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