On 3/2/05 10:30 AM, "Kieren Richard MacMillan"

> Hi, Walter:
>> Another editor that I have enjoyed for quite some time now is TeXShop.
> I use TeXShop on OS X for my mathematics typesetting -- I agree that
> it's quite a good app.
> What are the steps I need to perform (if any) to prepare it for
> Lilypond editing? Sounds like that would be much easier than the way
> I'm doing it now (SubEthaEdit + CLI commands)!
> Thanks,
> Kieren.
Hi Kieren,
    I don't have anything special set except that in the preferences there
is a setting under the "Preview" tab to set "Automatic Preview Update".
    I still use the CLI (terminal) to invoke Lilypond, but as I use tcsh,
all I need to do is hit the 'up arrow' key to invoke the last command. So
the way this works for me is as follows:

Launch TeXShop and open your .ly file. Save file to a directory.

Launch the Terminal app and navigate to the directory where your .ly file
resides (I do this by typing "cd "[space after the cd] and switching to the
Finder, open a window and get to the directory{I have a shortcut set up for
this so I can get to where I store my music files in one click of the
mouse.} Drag the folder containing your .ly file to the terminal window and
the path will be entered for you) This sounds more involved than it really

Type the command to invoke Lilypond: eg. Lilypond theFile.ly

Switch to TexShop and open the .pdf file.

>From now on you can edit the file, click on the Terminal window (use
"command-tab"), hit the up arrow key, click on the window containing the
.pdf and wait for the window to be updated.

Repeat until you are satisfied with the results.

Pretty basic really. If you figure out a way to get the point and click
thing working with TexShop I would appreciate hearing about it.

Walter Hofmeister

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