Hi all!

Is there a way to globally modify chord properties in multiple scores contained in one file? I would like all the chords to be \germanChords with chordNameLowercaseMinor = ##t, but I could not find a way to put it in the \layout block...

Here is the code:

\version "2.18.2"
\language deutsch

    \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #-1 }

\score {\transpose g f
% These two lines are repeated in every score:
        \set chordNameLowercaseMinor = ##t
        g4. a:m h4:m a:m/c
        g4. a:m h4:m a:m/c
        h4.:m c d4 e
        a4.:m e:m c8 d:7 g4
        g4:/h c8 d4 g
    \relative c'' {
        \key g \major
        g8 d g a g a h[ c] a4\bar "|"
        g8 d g a g a h[ c] a4\bar "|"
        h8 a h c h c d4 h\bar "|"
        a8 h c h a g a4 g
        \bar "||"
        g8[ a g] fis4( g)
        \bar "|."
    \addlyrics {
        \set stanza = \markup{\with-color #(rgb-color 0.894 0.207 0.172) \normal-text{Ant.}}
        Stwór -- co gwiaź -- dzis -- tych prze -- stwo -- rzy
        I wiecz -- ne świa -- tło wie -- rzą -- cych,
        Chrys -- te, coś wszyst -- kich od -- ku -- pił,
        Wy -- słu -- chaj na -- szą mod -- lit -- wę.
        A -- men.

Witold Uchman

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