I am seeing some behavior I don’t understand. I have ended the music for 
“Silver Bells” into lilypond, and I am seeing a puzzling error.

The song is in 3/4 time, but the rest in measure 33 seems to betaking 4 beats - 
I get a bar check failed and there are one two rests in measure 34, and an 
extra measure is inserted at the end.

What am I doing wrong? 

The offending r1 is on the 3rd line of the first branch of the alternative 
below - and if I change that r1 to “r4 r4 r4”,  or to “r2.”, the issue goes 

\version "2.18.2"
\include "predefined-guitar-fretboards.ly"
\language "english"

\header {
  title = "Silver Bells"
  composer  = \markup \column \center-align {
    "Music and Words by"
  arranger = ""
  poet = ""

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "letter")

global = {
  \time 3/4
  \key bf  \major
  \tempo "Moderately and Tenderly"

melody = \relative c' 
    \partial 4 { g'8 bf8 }
    \repeat volta 2 
      f4 d4 bf'8 g8 |
      f4 d4 d'8 c8 |
      bf4 g4 g4 |
      g2 c8 bf 8 |
      a4 f4 e4 |
      ef?4 f4. ef8 |
      ef4 d2~ |
      d4 r4 bf'8 g8 |
      f4 d4 bf'8 g8 |
      f4 d4 d'8 c8 |
      bf4 g4 g4 |
      g2 c8 bf8 |
      a4 f4 e4 |
      ef?4 f4 c'4 |
      bf2.~ |
      bf2. |
      d,8 ef8 f2~ |
      f2. |
      g8 a8 bf2~ |
      bf2. |
      a4 a4 bf4 |
      c2 bf8 a8 | 
      bf4 f2~ |
      f2 r4 |
      d8 ef8 f2~ |  
      f2. |
      g8 a8 bf2~ |
      bf2. |
      a4 a4 bf4 |
      c4 bf4 a4 |
    \alternative {
        bf2.~ |
        bf2 r4 |
        r1  |
        r4 r4 bf8 g8 |
        bf2.~ |
        bf2. |
        r1   |
        r1  \bar "|."
    \tuplet 3/2 {} 

first_verse = \lyricmode {
  Ci -- ty side -- walks, bus -- y side -- walks dressed in hol -- i -- day 
  In the air there's a  feel -- ing of Christ -- mas. __
  Child -- ren laugh -- ing, peo -- ple pass -- ing,
  meet -- ing smile af -- ter smile,
  And on ev -- 'ry street cor -- ner you hear: __
  Sil -- ver bells, __ sil -- ver bells, __
  It's Christ -- mas time in the city -- y.
  Ring -- a -- ling, __hear them ring, __
  Soon it will be Christ -- mas day. __ 
  Strings of 
  day. __

second_verse = \lyricmode {
  " " " " street lights, ev -- en stop lights blink red and green,
  As the shop -- pers rush home with their treas -- ures. __
  Hear the snow crunch, see the kids bunch,
  this is Santa's big scene,
  And a -- bove all this bus -- tle you hear:

transposed = \transpose c' c { \clef bass \melody } 

\score {
   %\new Staff { \melody }
   \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Basoon "} { \transposed }
    \addlyrics { \first_verse }
    \addlyrics { \second_verse }
  \layout { }

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