On 10/30/19, 11:48 AM, "Karsten Reincke" <k.rein...@fodina.de> wrote:

    2) Your polemic attack is wrong and unfair. If you had read my posts 
    you would know [and probably you know it, but withhold this aspect], that I
    offered URS already the opportunity to integrate my coming lib - licensed 
    the MIT license - into his OpenLIlyLib. I only refused and refuse to use 
any GPL
    licensed Lilypond snippet as 'module' / 'lib' for my own work.

I am curious as to why you feel you cannot use any GPL licensed LilyPond 
snippet but you can use the GPL licensed lilypond itself.  What about a snippet 
makes it more invasive in terms of the GPL than the original program?  I don't 


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