Peter Toye <> writes:

> David and others,
> It seems that I've opened up a larger can of worms than I'd expected!
> Thanks to all for the suggestions and clarifications.
> From what you say Quartet_No.I_Éloge_MovementI-ViolinI is a valid
> variable name - just checking that this is correct.

No, it isn't.  Quartet_No is a valid variable name, and
I_Éloge_MovementI-ViolinI is a valid variable name.  The dot in the
middle is not part of a variable name, and I have no idea what makes you
think it is from what has been said.

> But also (from Aaron Hill's email) so is
> "Quartet_No.1_Éloge_Movement1-Violin1" (The quotes being part of the
> variable definitions and use, not part of the name).

Pretty much so.

David Kastrup

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