Am Di., 12. Nov. 2019 um 20:09 Uhr schrieb Peter Toye <>:
> The following MWEs both give errors saying that a tuplet bracket has neither 
> a beginning nor an end. IN the first one this is presumably because of the 
> percent repeat sign, and in the second because of the silent notes.
> But the brackets are explicitly omitted so IMO the warning message should not 
> be there. What do the experts think?
> \version "2.19.52"
> \language "english"
> {
>     \omit TupletBracket
>     \omit TupletNumber
>     \clef "treble"
>     \tuplet 3/2 8 { \repeat percent 4  {c'16 16 16 } }
> }
> \version "2.19.52"
> \language "english"
> {
>     \omit TupletBracket
>     \omit TupletNumber
>     \clef "treble"
>     \tuplet 3/2 8 { c'16 s16*11 }
> }
> Regards,
> Peter

At the stage where you omit the stencil, all needed calculations (to
print one) are already done.
The warning is thrown during this calculation, thus any attempt to
tackle the stencil will come too late to avoid the warning.

Though, if you want neither TupletBracket nor TupletNumber, why don't
you use scaled durations?


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