Why not put it in the underlying "input" then?

melody = {
    \override NoteHead.color = \highlightOutOfRange e' b'
   \relative c' {  c4 d e f }

You could even define a shortcut for this:

melodyRange = \override NoteHead.color = \highlightOutOfRange e' b'

melody = {
   \relative c' {  c4 d e f }

Am 15.11.2019 um 12:09 schrieb Sandro Santilli:
On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 12:00:09PM +0100, Michael Käppler wrote:

\score {
     \new Staff \with {
       instrumentName = #"Voice"

     } {
       \new Voice = "vocal" \with {
         \override NoteHead.color = \highlightOutOfRange e' b'
       } { \notes }


     \new Staff \with {
       instrumentName = #"Alto"
     } {
       \new Voice = "sax" \with {
         \override NoteHead.color = \highlightOutOfRange a e'
       } { \transpose c g, \notes }

     \new Staff \with {
       instrumentName = #"Trumpet"
     } {
       \new Voice = "trp" \with {
         \override NoteHead.color = \highlightOutOfRange g' f''
       } { \transpose c b \notes }
The thing is I'm writing multiple scores with the same parts
replicated (some with all 3 voices, some with just 2 voices)
so I'd like to avoid the duplication of ranges. A range is
specific to an instrument so I'd like to specify that in the
header for each instrument, reguardless of score...


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